Why do I need a prescription for nicotine vaping?

Under Australian law it is illegal to vape nicotine without a prescription. For an update on current law in Australia and to find out more about the changes from 1st October 2021, please refer to https://www.tga.gov.au/blogs/tga-topics/nicotine-e-cigarettes-laws-are-changing

Our Authorised Nicotine Prescribing doctor is available to assess your needs and to tailor your personal plan to quit.

The wide range of available alternatives to support quitting includes nicotine replacement therapies, nicotine vaping and different smoking cessation aids like varenicline. For more information on quitting go to https://www.athra.org.au/about-quitting/

Is nicotine vaping a permanent solution to my smoking problem?

You can use nicotine vaping as a harm minimisation strategy for as long as you need. However, you should aim towards complete cessation at some stage.

For more information on how to stop smoking and vaping go to https://www.athra.org.au/vaping/